Southeast Kentucky Bass Club

Rules & Regulations

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Rules & Regulations

2008 Tournament & Club rules and regulations
 Rules listed will be voted on at first meeting and may or may not change.More rules can be added if voted in by the club.

- Everyone In Club will pay a Membership Fee at the begining of every year.
-Membership money will be payed out towards 3 classic trophys,  angler of the year trophy, Biggest bass of the year trophy,and payout money for the classic.
-After the first meeting and member fees are paid, people who then join afterwards have to be voted in by the club.
-You will have to fish  6 tournaments in order to qualify for the classic.
-New rules can be added in after the first meeting by being voted in by the club.
-Angler of the year will be determined by lowest amount of points accumulated over the course of the season. Points are where you finish in the tournament. The place that you finish is the points that you get towards angler of the year. They are then added together tournament after tournament . The person with the least amount of "points" wins angler of the year.
- Biggest Bass of the year Award will go to the person with the biggest bass of all the club season.
- There will be no Pre-fishing of tournaments 2 days before the tournament.
-If for some reason one or more person(s) becomes a problem within the club, majority vote of club members can dismiss that person or person(s) from the club.
-All boating and fishing Laws from Kentucky Fish And Wildlife must be followed.

Member Fees are $75.00 a person.

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